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Constructing the Pima Road & Happy Valley Road Improvements 

Visit the official City of Scottsdale or Haydon Building sites by clicking either logo above

This site is being hosted by Haydon Building Corp (Haydon), who has been contracted by the City of Scottsdale to construct both the Pima Road Improvements from Pinnacle Peak Road to Happy Valley Road, and the Happy Valley Road Improvements from Pima Road to Alma School Road. This site has been developed to provide current construction information to nearby residents, businesses, travelers or others impacted by our work. 

The City of Scottsdale elected to have one contractor construct both projects concurrently since they are physically connected and impact many of the same residents and businesses. Utilizing one contractor will enable Scottsdale to gain efficiencies in the work effort, minimize the impacts to residents, businesses, and the traveling public, and reduce the overall construction schedule.


To provide more efficient communications, construction information will be provided for both projects on this site; however, if you'd like to view the information from the design process, please visit the City of Scottsdale's website by visiting and searching "Pima Road" or "Happy Valley Road", or use the following links:

Pima Road Improvements

Happy Valley Road Improvements


The City of Scottsdale’s Pima Road Improvements will widen Pima Road from Pinnacle Peak to just north of Happy Valley Road to three thru-lanes in each direction, and Happy Valley Road from Pima Road to Alma School Road to two thru-lanes in each direction with roundabouts at Golf Club Drive and Alma School Road. Both projects include raised median or center turn lane, bike lanes, sidewalk, multi-use path, drainage improvements and utility relocations.


The Pima Road Improvements also include a regional drainage channel to reduce the potential for flooding on the homes to the west which will be funded by fees from the stormwater utility bill and the Flood District of Maricopa County. The Pima Road project will include a sound wall on the west side of Pima Road from Pinnacle Peak Road to just south of Happy Valley Road. Noise mitigation on Happy Valley Road was not warranted. 


Construction began in August 2022 and is scheduled to take approximately 24 months to complete. 

For current construction information, visit our Construction Info page, and if you'd like to be added to our e-updates or have a question/comment, please visit our Contact page.

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